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Tag: fixed ops

Education is important. Dealerships have an opportunity—and responsibility—to demystify EV maintenance for customers.

Navigating EV maintenance: what dealerships need to know

Imagine walking onto your showroom floor first thing in the morning. The familiar hum of traditional internal combustion engine vehicles buzzes in the background. But...
AI technologies shouldn’t be used as isolated systems. But instead, as an integral component of your fixed ops department’s overall approach.

Using AI to drive more fixed ops revenue

The fixed ops department is the lifeblood of most dealerships. But this vital profit center continuously faces challenges from rising customer expectations, ever-changing vehicle...
Auditing your service scheduling process is the best way to find potential bottlenecks and implement techniques to improve fixed operations. 

Auditing your dealership’s service scheduling processes

The gateway to your dealership’s service department is scheduling. Make this process effortless, and the journey for a satisfied customer gets off on the...
Ujj Nath joins Inside Automotive to discuss how platforms like myKaarma can boost BDC performance and improve fixed ops profitability.

Enhancing fixed ops performance with BDC software — Ujj Nath |...

It is important to partner with the right vendors, especially when it comes to entrusting your dealership's fixed operations to a business development company...

Time: your most precious, most perishable, and most profitable product

I was introduced to a new term recently, “aftersales.” After 40+ years in the automotive business I was unfamiliar with the word. Aftersales refers...
To ensure­ that all customers stay informed, businesse­s must have effective­ communication processes and protocols in place.

Elevating the service experience with proactive communication and real-time updates

In the world of automotive dealerships, the service experience often represents the most complex and confusing part of the customer journey. From scheduling appointments...
Mid adult manager using digital tablet while talking to service advisors in auto repair shop.

From overwhelmed to aligned action: Empowering service advisors for success

Over the last three years, dealerships have had to rely on service to bring in more profit than ever. And service advisors play a...

Why is there still a technician shortage and what are industry...

The lack of qualified technicians is an ever-present issue for most dealerships. By next year, this shortfall is projected to increase to 642,000 open...

4 simple tips to improve your dealership’s reconditioning process

How long does it take your dealership to recondition a used vehicle? If you are one of the top performers, the answer would be...
Alan Haig discusses M&A activity

Why retail automotive is still going strong despite years of challenges...

On this episode of Inside Automotive, host Jim Fitzpatrick is once again joined by Alan Haig, founder of Haig Partners, to discuss further developments...